V1.10 test / issues
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:02 pm
Loaded V1.10 today
Issues still pending
#1 htmlvar not working properly
----- #a does not wan to work on string won't work on my Ipage var string SRC=Ipage
----- SRC=| wprint |Ipage| will proper display image , but changing value of Ipage elseware
---------- does not alter image display
----- SRC=| wprint htmlvar(Ipage) will not properly display
----- #b iffy working on numeric worked on cdeg0 var not on fdeg0 var
---------- <td>| wprint |htmlvar(cdeg0)| </td> works for centigrade degs
---------- <td>| wprint |htmlvar(fdeg0)| </td> NO WORK farenheit degs
---------- <td~~~~>| wprint htmlvar(adc_value) works for adc
#2 Compare issue
#3 Residue problem
----- The last button clicked will rerun button code upon my 15 sec resresh
#4 executing a for/next under button appears to only run 1 step of loop per wait or my 15 sec refresh
#5 info I added Fdeg button to compute Farenheit from Celcisus , because I could not figure how to add it to the ---------code so it would update
Issues still pending
#1 htmlvar not working properly
----- #a does not wan to work on string won't work on my Ipage var string SRC=Ipage
----- SRC=| wprint |Ipage| will proper display image , but changing value of Ipage elseware
---------- does not alter image display
----- SRC=| wprint htmlvar(Ipage) will not properly display
----- #b iffy working on numeric worked on cdeg0 var not on fdeg0 var
---------- <td>| wprint |htmlvar(cdeg0)| </td> works for centigrade degs
---------- <td>| wprint |htmlvar(fdeg0)| </td> NO WORK farenheit degs
---------- <td~~~~>| wprint htmlvar(adc_value) works for adc
#2 Compare issue
Code: Select all
if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo
serialprintln "C = '1' on initial entry"
if cnt == "1" then SERIALPRINTLN "1" ---> both 1 and 2 print at same time
if cnt == "2" then SERIALPRINTLN "2"
if cnt == "2" then cnt = "1"
SERIALPRINTLN Ipage ---> Ipage toggle ok, but cannot change page image
#3 Residue problem
----- The last button clicked will rerun button code upon my 15 sec resresh
#4 executing a for/next under button appears to only run 1 step of loop per wait or my 15 sec refresh
#5 info I added Fdeg button to compute Farenheit from Celcisus , because I could not figure how to add it to the ---------code so it would update
Code: Select all
mycommand = " "
cnt = "1"
rfctr = 0
adc_id = 0
adc_value = 512
k1 = 0.11
p00 = 'P'
apc0 = '11111'
ppm0 = '1770'
cdeg0 = 25.1
fdeg0 = 77.18
kta0 = '0.01'
lo0 = '12'
hi0 = '20'
prb = '01.0'
ph = '7.0'
sbuf = ""
B_Opn = 'http://i.imgur.com/kzt3tO8.png'
B_Clo = 'http://i.imgur.com/KS1dPa7.png'
Ipage = B_Clo
rfh = '15'
wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='15' >"
wprint "<script type = 'text/javascript'>"
wprint "var timeInSecs;"
wprint "var ticker;function startTimer(secs){"
wprint "timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1;"
wprint "ticker = setInterval('tick()',1000);}"
wprint "function tick() {"
wprint "var secs = timeInSecs;"
wprint "if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker);"
wprint "startTimer(15);}document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = secs;} startTimer(15);"
wprint "</script><body><div>"
wprint "<table bgcolor='Lawngreen' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>"
wprint "<td><IMG SRC="
wprint "Ipage"
wprint " LEFT='1' WIDTH='120' HEIGHT='60' BORDER='1'></td>"
wprint "<th id='countdown'>15</th></table><br>"
wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd1s' cols='70' rows='14'></textarea></div><br>"
wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd2s' cols='70' rows='6'></textarea></div><br>"
wprint "<div><table bgcolor='Yellow' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<tr><th>Sensor</th><th>TempC</th><th>TempF</th><th>PPMcntr</th><th>PPM__</th><th>Adj__1</th><th>Adj__2</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>DS18B20P</td><td>"
wprint |htmlvar(cdeg0)|
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint |htmlvar(fdeg0)|
wprint "</td><td>43708</td><td>1676</td><td>1644.9</td><td>1644.2</td></tr>"
wprint "<tr><th>Probe-K</th><th>Pool-PH</th><th>PH-Adj</th><th>ADC Value</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>01.0</td><td>7.0</td><td>7</td><td bgcolor='Red'>"
wprint htmlvar(adc_value)
wprint "</td></tr></table></div><br>"
button "BLINK" [BLINK]
button "RD_ADC" [RDA.DC]
button "TEMP_DN" [TEMP.DN]
button "TEMP_UP" [TEMP.UP]
button "F_Deg" [Fdeg]
textbox mycommand
wprint "<br>
if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo
serialprintln "C = '1' on initial entry"
if cnt == "1" then SERIALPRINTLN "1"
if cnt == "2" then SERIALPRINTLN "2"
if cnt == "2" then cnt = "1"
AI adc_value
SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked rda dc"
SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp dn"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 - 0.1
SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp up"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 + 0.1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
serialprintln fdeg0