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Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:47 pm
by AJB2K3
Close sourcing the book is a wise management decision.
I am a bit confused why you refused. Could you not use your book as a bases and then get it tree and ebook versioned to help raise money for yourself?

I understand why it becomes more of a chore then a hobby but wouldn't the funds allow you to buy more hardware and play with more tech?

Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:08 pm
by kolban
Electronics and ESP8266 are hobbies. Given that an ESP8266 costs about $3 ... I can afford all the ESP8266 that I might ever need :-) What I need more than anything is free time ... and although money can indeed buy that ... I can't envisage any scenario where the return on "working" (as opposed to playing) on a book would allow me to stop working for a living (and continue to live the way I want to).

Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:21 am
by David Griffith
Good book kolban!

Regarding TCP network packets - the 1460 byte chunks are a result of the ethernet packet size. Normally that's 1500 bytes (the typical MTU in Ethernet) and then you subtract 40 bytes for the header to give a data length (the max segment size).

The 1460-bytes-at-a-time is typical behaviour of the network stacks I've seen - eg. in .NET when you get TCP data instead of callbacks you can check for data available and then continuously read the socket, assembling the data in a buffer until you get a zero length on your read, and the chunks you get per read are 1460 bytes.

Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:32 pm
by cottsak

You mentioned in the book about the 1x UARTs and how one is only TX and designed for debugging. Is there a way I can use this to free a GPIO on ESP-01 and still dump my serial debugging to my FTDI (Arduino serial monitor)? or perhaps I misunderstand?