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Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:27 am
by eriksl
Hi Neil,

We've had several discussions about pull-ups (and pull-downs).

In my "humble" opinion one should never leave an unused input floating. They do have some built-in pull-ups and pull-downs, but they are very weak (comparable to 50-100 kOhms). They're probably not even resistors but cmos current sources.

Any kind of electric or static noise will make the input go up/down/stray or may even crash the esp.

So really, just add pull up and pull down resistors wherever there is an input floating.

Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:43 am
by martinayotte
I completely agree with Erik, especially after, for those who remember, "vigourous" discussions I had with "tytower" guy who never admitted that I was right on that subject.

The internal PullUps/PullDowns are really too weak !
Even Espressif has written contradictions about it in their Hardware User Guide on page 14/15, section 2.2.2 :

There is an internal pull-up in the CHIP_EN pin, so no external pull-up is needed.
There exists internal pull-up resistor in the reset pin, Pin32, which can be left dangled when it is not used.
Note that this pin cannot be dangled.

Many people mentioned in this forum that simply by touching the floating RES pin will produce a reset.

So, personally, I'm using 10K or 4K7 resistors on all those pins, RES, CH_PD, GPIO15, GPIO2 and GPIO0.

Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:15 pm
by kolban
Thanks guys ... attached is the new image that will appear in the November release ...


Re: Announce: Free book on the ESP8266

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:42 pm
by gsaidah
Good evening Neil,
I just downloaded your book, but did not see at a glance how to fix my problem.

I uploaded a file with an error and the ESP-12e is stuck in a loop that reboots every few seconds. I cannot send any command to it except for the reboot command. I am working with ESPlorer v0.2.0-rc2. Is there a trick to stop it or delete what is in memory?
I flashed the board several times with nodemcu, it does not help.
I successfully uploaded code from the arduino ide and everything works fine there.
When I flash it again with nodemcu, the old code comes back and does not let me do anything before it reboots the esp.

Please let me know what I should do.
Thank you