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By Lawrence_jeff
#4404 As a follow up, this did seem to be a power issue, when powered through a bus pirate and capacitor the device could act as an AP and even receive data when connected to my AP but I could not update the firmware without it bombing after the erase stage.

I added in a 3.3 volt regulator powered off an external 5v supply and without any other changes the firmware update process started working via both ESPflash and the tool
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By GeoNomad
#4408 I found that one of my USB to Serial boards would be unreliable for flashing.

It tended to stop around 5-10% with different types of errors.

This was even when powering the ESP-x board with a separate power supply - which is always the first thing to check. Power off the USB to serial boards is often dirty or insufficient.

Anyway, I picked up a different USB to serial board and have not had a problem since.

Worth noting if you are having erratic problems during flashing.


Now at 5 x IoT ESP8266 thingies running 24/7 in my house. I am addicted... I wake up every morning with ideas to use this board...