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By willemwouters
#2049 I got the examples compiled and running SDK 9.2_1

There are a lot of features already implemented in the IoT_Demo.

In the beginning I had problems connecting, because of the unknown ssid.
I fixed this by setting the ssid in user_esp_platform.c in the ifdef SOFTAP_ENCRYPT part:
os_memset(config.ssid, 50, 5); -> this prefixes the ssid with 11111

And apparently the WPA password set in the user_config.h has some weird prefix.
Therefore i modified user_esp_platform.c
removed the line: os_sprintf(password, MACSTR "_%s", MAC2STR(macaddr), PASSWORD);
and added: os_sprintf(password, "%s", PASSWORD);

For the webbrowser:

returns stuff like this: