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By MarcFinns
#50564 Hi there! I am trying to educate my kids to some technology... I would like to use this transparent serial converter to wirelessly connect an arduino board with S4A (scratch for Arduino) running on a Linux box...
Perhaps I missed that bit, but is there a way to create a virtual port on Linux that truly looks like a serial and redirects to tcp? (S4A is picky and is smalltalk so I can't really tweak things on that front).
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By MarcFinns
X7JAY7X wrote:First off, thanks to dacb for this great project. To help with the learning curve of the SDK, I used this project as a basis for RFC2217 support. I am very close to having a very basic set of RFC2217 commands working. So far I have the baudrate, data bits, parity, stopsize, and DTR control done. It has a few bugs that I am still working through. Currently it will reset an Arduino, but it isn't sending the correct data for the sketch upload. Full control lines can be implemented with certain ESP8266 models, but to make it universal for all, I am using GPIO2 for the DTR line as this exists on the ESP-01.

Did you manage to implement RFC2217 in the end?
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By MarcFinns
Pablo2048 wrote:Try socat ( )...
Code: Select allsocat PTY,link=/dev/YPort TCP:

Hi Pablo, this was indeed my best guess.
The real question is whether it works having this "transparent bridge" on the other side... ever tried?
thanks again!