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By eriksl
#47301 New release: 13.

Major change: added support for Hitachi HD44780 type displays.


- Add PCF8574A (note the "A") support at address 0x3a.
- Introduce UART function for GPIO pins. They're activated by default (which reflects default operation). This makes is possible to enable/disable internal pull-ups.
- Add support for hd44780-type of LCD displays.
- RTC/NTP: work around bogus ntp subsystem in SDK. The ntp subsystem only syncs once, then relies on it's internal clock, which runs dramatically slow. Workaround it by stopping and starting the ntp subsystem every time a valid timestamp was obtained.
- lcd: add experimental support for a few UTF-8 characters. The more or less common latin accented characters é è ê ë ü ç ñ ï are now programmed into CGRAM and translated from their corresponding UTF-8 codepoints. That's all there is room for, sadly.
- OTA: more resilience. Retry a chunk if the ESP didn't get it. Most of the time this is caused by a long segment being split into smaller ones, which confuses the ESP. One retry is often enough for a failed chunk.
- LCD: add mappings for some unicode characters that are in the character rom.
- I2C: change the meaning of the "scl delay" parameter. It used to be a delay in microseconds, but that proved to be too coarse for obtaining higher speeds. The delay is now a simple busy loop. Expect values like 250 or higher to obtain a standard 100 kHz speed bus.
- I2C: add timing information to the i2c-read command. So you can tweak and check the actual bus speed.
- Improved background task scheduler so CPU is kept even shorter and background task can be finished quicker nonetheless.

Bug fixes:

- UART: fix data entered being sent over and over again, as reported by luca.gamma in viewtopic.php?p=46866#p46866

Requested enhancements:

- Add config options for timeout for bridge and command channels. As requested by luca.gamma in viewtopic.php?p=46866#p46866

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By eriksl
luca.gamma wrote:Thanks, great work! Don't worry, it happens ;) Anyway after this patch the issue is resolved :D

And now it's in the release, together with your other request (tcp port timeouts) :D
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By eriksl
#47304 If anyone likes to, I can post some pictures of the "device" I made, consisting of a self-developed PCB for controlling HD44780 displays, mounted on the back of the display itself. I can also post the kicad files.

The same goes for a somewhat bigger PCB (10x10 cm) that has an ESP-201 on it and can control all sorts of things, including two high power outputs (up to 60V, 20A, a bit depending on what FET you're using), using MOSFETS and a MOSFET driver, and two a bit lower power outputs using TIP122 Darlington power transistors (up to also 60V, about 4A). All of them can be driven in PWM mode, independently.