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Mongoose IoT, cloud IDE - build firmware in seconds!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:47 am
by lsm
Mongoose IoT Platform has released it's cloud IDE support!

In short, a platform:
1. Has two parts: a firmware and a cloud part
2. A firmware includes:
a) Mongoose (https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose) - embedded network library that supports practically any IoT protocol. Mongoose is 10+year on the market, used by thousands of organisations including Intel, Samsung, NASA (Mongoose is on orbit, serving scientific experiments on International Space Station).
b) V7 (https://github.com/cesanta/v7) - a smallest in the world JavaScript engine
3. A cloud provides an IDE which allows to build ESP8266 firmware in C an/or JavaScript by a single button press - no need to set up a toolchain.
4. A cloud has a hosted Web App, and provides a Mobile App for a simple device control
5. Supported hardware: ESP8266 (with flash starting from 1 MB), virtual nodemcu. Shortly - TI CC3200, STM32, nRF52.

It is possible to connect esp8266 in minutes and start to control it (in a simplest case through "curl" utility), via the encrypted connection (HTPPS or WSS, secure web socket). Here is an example - https://docs.cesanta.com/mongoose-iot/m ... ontrol.md/.


1. Documentation with Quick Start Guide & tutorials - https://docs.cesanta.com/mongoose-iot/
2. Online IDE - https://mongoose-iot.com
3. Source code on Github - https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose-iot
4. Flashing utility - https://github.com/cesanta/mft - See more at: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=10625#sthash.NzTQpR6i.dpuf