Is it not supposed that MQTT is better than HTTP (get) ?
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:08 pm
Hi, I have just begin with ESP8266, really with wemos mini d1 boards.
Before, I have read lots of web pages and forum's post.
I usually want to check things that I will use in my sketches and now I was trying to see the improvement of MQTT over HTTP when you have to sleep, get some data, send it, and sleep again. That is a usual application for ESP8266 modules.
I have read always that MQTT is better than HTTP because of you have to send less bytes and, about answer from server, it is faster than HTTP.
So I have written and sketch and upload it in two of my Wemos D1 mini boards, one of them is sending data with HTTP (get) and the other one with MQTT. (you can find my sketch attached here)
See the sketch in github: or at final of this post. ( I know that sketch is not perfect, but it is only for test)
Both of them same data and same server: thingspeak.
The trick of the sketch is that i use RTCmemory to save how long take ESP8266 to send data to the server. millis() give me miliseconds from boot, and each wake from deepsleep is a new boot. They send data every two minutes. The MQTT board was startedfew hours after the HTTP board (but for my test, that is the same)
As you can see here: I have 4 fields:
1. HTTP (get) board: Vcc and Time (Vcc is aprox, is only to see me when to disconect them as they are working from a LiFePO4 battery, and to calculate how many days they work).
2. MQTT board: Vcc and Time (Vcc idem)
What is strange is that MQTT time is higher than HTTP time.
What do you think about it ? Is my sketch wrong ? May be thinkspeal new mqtt server is not as good as its HTTP answer ?
Probably I am doing something wrong. Please, help me to find it !!!! Thanks.
Hope you understand me and comment about this.
Before, I have read lots of web pages and forum's post.
I usually want to check things that I will use in my sketches and now I was trying to see the improvement of MQTT over HTTP when you have to sleep, get some data, send it, and sleep again. That is a usual application for ESP8266 modules.
I have read always that MQTT is better than HTTP because of you have to send less bytes and, about answer from server, it is faster than HTTP.
So I have written and sketch and upload it in two of my Wemos D1 mini boards, one of them is sending data with HTTP (get) and the other one with MQTT. (you can find my sketch attached here)
See the sketch in github: or at final of this post. ( I know that sketch is not perfect, but it is only for test)
Both of them same data and same server: thingspeak.
The trick of the sketch is that i use RTCmemory to save how long take ESP8266 to send data to the server. millis() give me miliseconds from boot, and each wake from deepsleep is a new boot. They send data every two minutes. The MQTT board was startedfew hours after the HTTP board (but for my test, that is the same)
As you can see here: I have 4 fields:
1. HTTP (get) board: Vcc and Time (Vcc is aprox, is only to see me when to disconect them as they are working from a LiFePO4 battery, and to calculate how many days they work).
2. MQTT board: Vcc and Time (Vcc idem)
What is strange is that MQTT time is higher than HTTP time.
What do you think about it ? Is my sketch wrong ? May be thinkspeal new mqtt server is not as good as its HTTP answer ?
Probably I am doing something wrong. Please, help me to find it !!!! Thanks.
Hope you understand me and comment about this.
Code: Select all
extern "C" {
#include <user_interface.h>
//Tipo 0
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // ESP8266WiFi.h library
// make TCP connections
WiFiClient client;
const char* ssid = "xxxx";
const char* password = "xxxx";
const char* host = "";
const char* writeAPIKey = "xxxx";
//Tipo 1
#include <PubSubClient.h>
// Initialize the PuBSubClient library
PubSubClient mqttClient(client);
// Define the ThingSpeak MQTT broker
const char* mqttserver = "";
const char* channelID = "220480";
byte tipo = 1;
//If define DEEPSLEEP both methods will deepsleep instead of delay. Also, will send to Thingspeak miliseconds for sending de message
#define SLEEPTIME 120 //segundos
* Tipo:
* 0: sin sleep, con HTTP, en la oficina (habitacion de estudiar), envio cada 120 segundos
* 1: idem al 0, pero mediante MQTT
//Con deepSleep y dado que Thingspeak solo me deja mandar un dato cada 15 segundos, lo que hago es guardar el tiempo en el RTCmem y luego envio el tiempo "con el siguiente".
#define COLLECT 27
typedef struct {
int magicNumber;
unsigned long tiempo;
} rtcManagementStruc;
rtcManagementStruc rtcManagement;
byte buckets = 0;
float vcc = 0;
unsigned long tiempo = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.print("Booted ");
rst_info *rsti;
rsti = ESP.getResetInfoPtr();
Serial.print("rsti->reason: ");
//enum rst_reason {
// REASON_DEFAULT_RST = 0, /* normal startup by power on */
// REASON_WDT_RST = 1, /* hardware watch dog reset */
// REASON_EXCEPTION_RST = 2, /* exception reset, GPIO status won’t change */
// REASON_SOFT_WDT_RST = 3, /* software watch dog reset, GPIO status won’t change */
// REASON_SOFT_RESTART = 4, /* software restart ,system_restart , GPIO status won’t change */
// REASON_DEEP_SLEEP_AWAKE = 5, /* wake up from deep-sleep */
// REASON_EXT_SYS_RST = 6 /* external system reset */
//if (rsti->reason==0){Serial.println("CH_PD button from deep sleep = SW1");};
//// PowerOn from normal run, not from deep sleep is 0, the same as CH_PD from deep sleep !!!
//if (rsti->reason==5){Serial.println("Power ON from deep sleep!");};
//if (rsti->reason==6){Serial.println("RST button from deep sleep = SW2");}
//Paquetes de 4 bytes, que es como se organiza la memoria del RTC
buckets = (sizeof(rtcManagement) / 4);
if (buckets == 0) buckets = 1;
switch (rsti->reason) {
case 5:
//Serial.println(" from RTC-RESET (ResetInfo.reason = 5)");
//Leer en paquetes de 4
system_rtc_mem_read(RTCMEMORYSTART, &rtcManagement, buckets * 4);
if (rtcManagement.magicNumber == COLLECT) {
//Parece que esta bien el numero de verificación => la RTCmem no se ha borrado => cojo el tiempo
tiempo = rtcManagement.tiempo;
} else {
//Reinicio el sistema para la siguiente
rtcManagement.magicNumber = COLLECT;
rtcManagement.tiempo = 0;
system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART, &rtcManagement, buckets * 4);
case 6:
//Serial.println(" from POWER-UP (ResetInfo.reason = 6)");
//Reinicio el sistema para la siguiente
rtcManagement.magicNumber = COLLECT;
rtcManagement.tiempo = 0;
system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART, &rtcManagement, buckets * 4);
//Connect to WiFi network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
if (tipo == 1) {
// Set the MQTT broker details
mqttClient.setServer(mqttserver, 1883);
void loop() {
switch (tipo) {
case 0:
if (!client.connect(host, 80)) {
String url = "/update?api_key=";
url+=String( analogRead(0) * 4.2 / 1023 );
if (tiempo != 0) {
// Request to the server
client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
case 1:
// Check if MQTT client has connected else reconnect
if (!mqttClient.connected())
// Call the loop continuously to establish connection to the server
//Grabo el tiempo hasta aqui
tiempo = millis();
rtcManagement.tiempo = tiempo;
//Y lo guardo en la memoria RTC para el siguente reinicio tras el reset
system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART, &rtcManagement, buckets * 4);
ESP.deepSleep(120*1000000); //microseconds
//TIPO 1
void reconnect()
// Loop until we're reconnected
while (!mqttClient.connected())
if (!mqttClient.connect("ESP8266"))
// Wait 5 seconds before retrying to connect again
void mqttpublish() {
// Create data string to send to ThingSpeak
String data="field3=";
if (tipo == 0) {
data+=String( analogRead(0) * 4.2 / 1023 );
if (tiempo != 0) {
if (tipo == 1) {
} else {
// Get the data string length
int length = data.length();
char msgBuffer[length];
// Convert data string to character buffer
String url="channels/";
length = url.length();
char urlBuffer[length];
// Publish data to ThingSpeak. Replace <YOUR-CHANNEL-ID> with your channel ID and <YOUR-CHANNEL-WRITEAPIKEY> with your write API key
// note the last connection time
//lastConnectionTime = millis();