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By rod-i-on
#831 Hello
My application is uploading/downloading 1MB files trough HTTP
With ST's SPWF01SA.11 I have problem. When I send file first ~ 10KB go quick. After it is going send-(delay 1-2 sec) - (send) -delay So speed go down. Very slow. 50 kb go 5-30 secons.

What about esp8266? I heard that there is the same problem: average TCP speed is 4 kb after sending first few kbytes.

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By jonsmirl
#847 You should use a module based on the RT5350, MT7620 or AR9331 instead. They are half the price (under $10, some as low as $5) of the ST module and they run full Linux. 5350/9331 have 150Mb wifi, 7620 has 300Mb. Use that chip as your main CPU, then if you need stuff like ADC hang a second microcontroller off from USB/SPI/I2C whatever.
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By wififofum
jonsmirl wrote:You should use a module based on the RT5350, MT7620 or AR9331 instead. They are half the price (under $10, some as low as $5) of the ST module and they run full Linux. 5350/9331 have 150Mb wifi, 7620 has 300Mb. Use that chip as your main CPU, then if you need stuff like ADC hang a second microcontroller off from USB/SPI/I2C whatever.

$5? Link?

SPI/SDIO will be faster than UART. You have to consider buffers, windowing, retries, and other delays in your design to achieve best performance.
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By jonsmirl
#853 $7.20 at this one. ... 64d3f70d5c

this one is $7.00 Q1000 ... w-375.html

Someone quoted me $5.00 Q100K, but I can't find the email right now.

We did not use module and instead directly used RT5350. RT5350 can be had for $1.75. SDRAM is $0.85, Flash $0.40. It is definitely possible to build for $5.00.