at wits’ end on ghost SSIDs with my ESP8266 modules

Hello Folks,
Could you provide some insight as to why my ESP8266 continues to publish the SSIDs FaryLink_XXXXXX or ESP_XXXXXX where XXXXXXX is part of the mac address? From my research, I've read where this could be the result of residual code or a hanging variable on the ESP. I can't seem to resolve this problem. It worries me that I can connect and receive an IP (192.168.4.X) due to the possible security vulnerabilities this can cause.
Here are the steps I've taken:
- Trying multiple sketches. I thought the issue may have been with RFLink-MQTT-Gateway However, the problem problem persists with the PupSubClient example code mqtt_esp8266
- Trying previous versions of esp8266 boards package in Arduino IDE
- Trying previous versions of PubSubClient library package in Arduino IDE
- Trying both Arduino IDE 1.6.12 and 1.8.8
- Flashing with
It appears that the problem orginates in association with the PubSubClient library. I do not get a ghost SSID using the WiFiClient from the ESP8266WIFI example.
Could you provide some insight as to why my ESP8266 continues to publish the SSIDs FaryLink_XXXXXX or ESP_XXXXXX where XXXXXXX is part of the mac address? From my research, I've read where this could be the result of residual code or a hanging variable on the ESP. I can't seem to resolve this problem. It worries me that I can connect and receive an IP (192.168.4.X) due to the possible security vulnerabilities this can cause.
Here are the steps I've taken:
- Trying multiple sketches. I thought the issue may have been with RFLink-MQTT-Gateway However, the problem problem persists with the PupSubClient example code mqtt_esp8266
- Trying previous versions of esp8266 boards package in Arduino IDE
- Trying previous versions of PubSubClient library package in Arduino IDE
- Trying both Arduino IDE 1.6.12 and 1.8.8
- Flashing with
It appears that the problem orginates in association with the PubSubClient library. I do not get a ghost SSID using the WiFiClient from the ESP8266WIFI example.