different behavior using setTime(time_t) and setTime(hour, .
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:54 pm
Hello, I would like to tell you about a problem I'm having in initializing the system date to the current date, including timezone, using NTP DST included in the ESP8266 core (I'm using version 3.1.0).
After setTime (date in seconds) if I print the value of now() and hour() they are different: now() is in line with the current time, hour() is one hour behind.
After setTime (with hour , minutes, seconds, day, month, year) the value of now() is one hour ahead of the current time while the value of hour() is in line with the current time.
How can this mystery be explained. Where is it that I'm wrong and/or I don't understand how now() and hour() work?
Thanks for your help
this is the log
After setTime (date in seconds) if I print the value of now() and hour() they are different: now() is in line with the current time, hour() is one hour behind.
After setTime (with hour , minutes, seconds, day, month, year) the value of now() is one hour ahead of the current time while the value of hour() is in line with the current time.
How can this mystery be explained. Where is it that I'm wrong and/or I don't understand how now() and hour() work?
Thanks for your help
Code: Select all
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <time.h>
// Timezone definition
#define MYTZ "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"
static tm getDateTimeByParams(long time) {
struct tm *newtime;
const time_t tim = time;
newtime = localtime(&tim);
return *newtime;
Input tm time format and return String with format pattern
by Renzo Mischianti <www.mischianti.org>
static String getDateTimeStringByParams(tm *newtime, char* pattern = (char *)"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") {
char buffer[30];
strftime(buffer, 30, pattern, newtime);
return buffer;
Input time in epoch format format and return String with format pattern
by Renzo Mischianti <www.mischianti.org>
static String getTimeGMY_HMS(long time, char* pattern = (char *)"%d.%m.%Y-%H:%M:%S") {
// struct tm *newtime;
tm newtime;
newtime = getDateTimeByParams(time);
return getDateTimeStringByParams(&newtime, pattern);
char tmnow[9] = "00:00:00"; // "hh:mm:ss"
char dt[11] = "00.00.0000";
void loop() {
static uint32_t pTime;
if (millis() - pTime > 1000) {
pTime = millis();
time_t ora;
tm tInfo;
getLocalTime(&tInfo); //Update tInfo struct
Serial.print("\n tInfo.tm_mday : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_mday);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_mon +1 : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_mon+1);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_year+1900 : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_year+1900);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_hour : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_hour);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_min : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_min);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_sec : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_sec);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_wday : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_wday);
Serial.print(" tInfo.tm_isdst : "); Serial.println(tInfo.tm_isdst);
ora = mktime(&tInfo);
setTime(tInfo.tm_hour, tInfo.tm_min, tInfo.tm_sec, tInfo.tm_mday, tInfo.tm_mon + 1, tInfo.tm_year + 1900);
Serial.println("\n---------- setTime(tmt.tm_hour, tmt.tm_min,...... ");
Serial.print("\n1. ora : "); Serial.println(ora);
Serial.print("1. now() : "); Serial.println(now());
Serial.print("1. getTimeGMY_HMS(now()): "); Serial.println(getTimeGMY_HMS(now()));
Serial.print("1. getTimeGMY_HMS(ora) : "); Serial.println(getTimeGMY_HMS(ora));
sprintf(tmnow, "%02u:%02u:%02u", hour(), minute(), second());
sprintf(dt, "%02d.%02d.%04d", day(), month(), year());
Serial.print("1. ora-data hour() : "); Serial.print(dt); Serial.print("-"); Serial.println(tmnow);
sprintf(tmnow, "%02u:%02u:%02u", hour(now()), minute(now()), second(now()));
sprintf(dt, "%02d.%02d.%04d", day(now()), month(now()), year(now()));
Serial.print("1. ora-data hour(now()) : "); Serial.print(dt); Serial.print("-"); Serial.println(tmnow);
Serial.print("1. ora : ");Serial.println(ctime(&ora));
Serial.println("\n---------- setTime(ora) --------------------");
Serial.print("\n2. ora : "); Serial.println(ora);
Serial.print("2. now() : "); Serial.println(now());
Serial.print("2. getTimeGMY_HMS(now()): "); Serial.println(getTimeGMY_HMS(now()));
Serial.print("2. getTimeGMY_HMS(ora) : "); Serial.println(getTimeGMY_HMS(ora));
sprintf(tmnow, "%02u:%02u:%02u", hour(), minute(), second());
sprintf(dt, "%02d.%02d.%04d", day(), month(), year());
Serial.print("2. ora-data hour() : "); Serial.print(dt); Serial.print("-"); Serial.println(tmnow);
sprintf(tmnow, "%02u:%02u:%02u", hour(now()), minute(now()), second(now()));
sprintf(dt, "%02d.%02d.%04d", day(now()), month(now()), year(now()));
Serial.print("2. ora-data hour(now()) : "); Serial.print(dt); Serial.print("-"); Serial.println(tmnow);
Serial.print("2. ora : ");Serial.println(ctime(&ora));
delay(60000); // Increase simulation performance
void setup() {
Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi ");
WiFi.begin("R_1_Mya_2.4", "1_Marina_0hkl");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("\nWiFi connected. ");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
// Sync time with NTP server
configTime(MYTZ, "time.google.com", "time.windows.com", "pool.ntp.org");
this is the log
Code: Select all
18:01:05.850 -> ..............
18:01:13.083 -> WiFi connected. IP address:
18:01:13.083 ->
18:01:13.177 ->
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_mday : 27
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_mon +1 : 3
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_year+1900 : 2023
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_hour : 18
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_min : 1
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_sec : 12
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_wday : 1
18:01:13.177 -> tInfo.tm_isdst : 1
18:01:13.177 ->
18:01:13.177 -> ---------- setTime(tmt.tm_hour, tmt.tm_min,......
18:01:13.177 ->
18:01:13.177 -> 1. ora : 1679932872
18:01:13.177 -> 1. now() : 1679940072
18:01:13.177 -> 1. getTimeGMY_HMS(now()): 27.03.2023-20:01:12
18:01:13.177 -> 1. getTimeGMY_HMS(ora) : 27.03.2023-18:01:12
18:01:13.177 -> 1. ora-data hour() : 27.03.2023-18:01:12
18:01:13.177 -> 1. ora-data hour(now()) : 27.03.2023-18:01:12
18:01:13.224 -> 1. ora : Mon Mar 27 18:01:12 2023
18:01:13.224 ->
18:01:13.224 ->
18:01:13.224 -> ---------- setTime(ora) --------------------
18:01:13.224 ->
18:01:13.224 -> 2. ora : 1679932872
18:01:13.224 -> 2. now() : 1679932872
18:01:13.224 -> 2. getTimeGMY_HMS(now()): 27.03.2023-18:01:12
18:01:13.224 -> 2. getTimeGMY_HMS(ora) : 27.03.2023-18:01:12
18:01:13.224 -> 2. ora-data hour() : 27.03.2023-16:01:12
18:01:13.224 -> 2. ora-data hour(now()) : 27.03.2023-16:01:12
18:01:13.224 -> 2. ora : Mon Mar 27 18:01:12 2023