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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:03 am
by johnyradio

noob question:

the product page says the chip supports:

"I2S interface for high fidelity audio applications"

But the translated datasheets i've seen don't even mention I2S, or audio.

So, can this chip receive and transmit streaming audio?

the low baud rates i've been hearing about (under 100kbps) could never support "high fidelity audio".

What am i missing? Doesn't "baud rate" refer to the wireless data-rate? Or does baud rate only apply to the serial input?


Re: I2S?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:25 am
by Bert
Please see this topic as well: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=99

For your other questions: the baud rate mentioned is something UART-specific and has little to do with the rates at which the chip is able to communicate on other pheripherals. On quad SPI for instance, which seems to be used for the SPI flash chip, it can quite likely transmit and receive faster. For instance, 115.2 kbaud is just a common speed for UART interfacing that will still allow comminication if the clocks of either one or both processors are a little off.

Re: I2S?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:00 am
by jonsmirl
johnyradio wrote:hi

noob question:

the product page says the chip supports:

"I2S interface for high fidelity audio applications"

But the translated datasheets i've seen don't even mention I2S, or audio.

So, can this chip receive and transmit streaming audio?

the low baud rates i've been hearing about (under 100kbps) could never support "high fidelity audio".

What am i missing? Doesn't "baud rate" refer to the wireless data-rate? Or does baud rate only apply to the serial input?


44100 samples/sec * 2 left/right * 16 bits = 1.4Mb/sec plus network overhead = 2Mb/sec
This chip is designed for controlling a light bulb - on/off/set brightness.

So... you might be able to get audio running on it with a lot of programming effort. The code does not exist and you will have to write yourself. Probably six months work or more.

Or you could just use OpenWRT on a RT5350/AR9331/MT7620 which already has all of this written and has no issues with talking at 20Mb/s or more.

I suspect that the I2S interface is there it implement a glass break alarm sensor. The ESP8266 would locally process the I2S data and decide if it is the noise from glass breaking, then send a short wifi message.

Re: I2S?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:06 am
by johnyradio
so their marketing verbiage "high fidelity audio applications" is false?

what is the max wireless throughput on this chip?

it supports 802.11n, wouldn't that mean 802.11n speeds?
