garage door opener without external processor
Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:46 am
hi all,
I´m new to ESP6288, but I got a simple WIFI Server based Garagedoor opener working.
It just puts some GPIOs HIGH or LOW as needed.
In order to add more functionality, I have tested the interrupt mode of the GPIOs, to detect i.e. when the door is fully closed or opened and stop the motor. That works also well.
But I´m having problems combining this two tasks.
I tried also timer alarms to check if the end-switches are activated, but until now I havent succeeded.
Can you give me a hint how to perform this tastks "parallely"? ( I know, it is not really parallel, but it should be possible to stop the motor 0.5 seconds after reaching the end position...)
this is my code:
the wifi connection is established in the init.lua, then it passes to "garage.lua":
I´m new to ESP6288, but I got a simple WIFI Server based Garagedoor opener working.
It just puts some GPIOs HIGH or LOW as needed.
In order to add more functionality, I have tested the interrupt mode of the GPIOs, to detect i.e. when the door is fully closed or opened and stop the motor. That works also well.
But I´m having problems combining this two tasks.
I tried also timer alarms to check if the end-switches are activated, but until now I havent succeeded.
Can you give me a hint how to perform this tastks "parallely"? ( I know, it is not really parallel, but it should be possible to stop the motor 0.5 seconds after reaching the end position...)
this is my code:
the wifi connection is established in the init.lua, then it passes to "garage.lua":
Code: Select all
led1 = 3
led2 = 4
gpio.mode(led1, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.mode(led2, gpio.OUTPUT)
taster1 = 2
taster2 = 1
gpio.mode(taster1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.mode(taster2, gpio.INPUT)
button_state = 1
button_time = 0
function buttonHandler()
button_state_new =
if button_state ==1 and button_state_new ==0 then
button_time =tmr.time()
print("Taster1 pressed")
elseif button_state==0 and button_state_new ==1 then
--if tmr.time()>(button_time+2) then
print("taster1 depdessed")
button_state = button_State_new
--function onChange ()
-- print('The pin value has changed to '
--function debounce (func)
-- local last = 0
-- local delay = 200000
-- return function (...)
-- local now =
-- if now - last < delay then return end
-- last = now
-- return func(...)
-- end
--local pinValue =
--if pinValue == gpio.LOW then
-- print 'taster1 is low'
-- print 'taster1 is high'
conn:on("receive", function(client,request)
local buf = "";
local _, _, method, path, vars = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+)?(.+) HTTP");
if(method == nil)then
_, _, method, path = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+) HTTP");
local _GET = {}
if (vars ~= nil)then
for k, v in string.gmatch(vars, "(%w+)=(%w+)&*") do
_GET[k] = v
buf = buf.."<html><head><title>Waldner´s Torsteuerung</title><body style='text-align: center'>";
buf = buf.."<h1>Waldner´s Torsteuerung</h1>";
buf = buf.."<h3>Garagentor</h3>";
buf = buf.."<p>GPIO0 <a href=\"?pin=ON1\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>öffnen</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=OFF1\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>schliessen</button></a></p>";
buf = buf.."<h3>Aussentor</h3>";
buf = buf.."<p>GPIO2 <a href=\"?pin=ON2\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>öffnen</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=OFF2\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>schliessen</button></a></p>";
buf = buf.."<h3>Aussentor</h3>";
buf = buf.."<p>GPIO4 <a href=\"?pin=ON3\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>öffnen</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=OFF3\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>schliessen</button></a></p>";
buf = buf.."<h3>Aussentor</h3>";
buf = buf.."<p>GPIO5 <a href=\"?pin=ON4\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>öffnen</button></a> <a href=\"?pin=OFF4\"><button style='height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius:50%;'>schliessen</button></a></p>";
buf = buf.."<h3>Aussentor</h3>";
buf = buf.."</body>";
local _on,_off = "",""
if( == "ON1")then
gpio.write(led1, gpio.HIGH);
elseif( == "OFF1")then
gpio.write(led1, gpio.LOW);
elseif( == "ON2")then
gpio.write(led2, gpio.HIGH);
elseif( == "OFF2")then
gpio.write(led2, gpio.LOW);
elseif( == "ON3")then
gpio.write(taster1, gpio.HIGH);
elseif( == "OFF3")then
gpio.write(taster1, gpio.LOW);
elseif( == "ON4")then
gpio.write(taster2, gpio.HIGH);
elseif( == "OFF4")then
gpio.write(taster2, gpio.LOW);
tmr.alarm(1, TIME_ALARM, 1, buttonHandler)