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Unable to upload LUA file on ESP-01 and 03

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:26 pm
by dracken
Hi everyone,

I've been playing with my ESP for some times now.
Using ESPlorer, I can send AT command and get response. I can even connect my ESP to my WIFI network.

But When I try to upload my init.lua on the ESP it just fail. Also I can't send any nodeMCU command to the ESP.

PORT OPEN 115200

AT version:
SDK version:0.9.5


How I connected my ESP to my USB to serial Bridge :
CH-PD / VCC (ESP) ------ High (3.3V from a stable dedicated source, not from the USB to Serial bridge)
GND (ESP) ------ GND (common ground Bridge and voltage source)
Rx (ESP) --- Voltage divider using 2 resistor --- Tx (serial bridge)
Tx (ESP) ------ Rx (serial bridge)
GPIO15 (ESP) ------ GND (common ground Bridge and voltage source)

I think I missed something but I can't get what.
Some help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Unable to upload LUA file on ESP-01 and 03

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:14 pm
by ledfreak3d
did you update the firmware to nodemcu ?that would explain the problem ;)

Re: Unable to upload LUA file on ESP-01 and 03

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:19 pm
by dracken
I tried the following firmware :

Uploaded on 0x00000

Is there something else to upload?

Re: Unable to upload LUA file on ESP-01 and 03

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:25 pm
by ledfreak3d
should be ok normaly i am running nodemcu float bit should work with both what baud rate are you
using on esplorer ?