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Bricked my ESP8266-1?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:22 am
by annihil8ted
Hello All!

I was wondering if anyone could help me with my ESP8266-1. I'm interfacing with it using a FTDI FT232RL. After connecting, not matter what commands or baud rate I put in, I couldn't get a response from the module. I then went ahead and downloaded the flasher on this site (https://importhack.wordpress.com/2014/1 ... eb-client/). It kept crashing, giving a message about a failed package. Wouldn't get past 10%. I then switched over to nodemcu. Now when I switched over to nodemcu, things started to work a little. I was able to flash the default .bin file although I'm not exactly sure what that does. There is still no response from the module though when I enter AT. Could someone please point me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated! :D

Re: Bricked my ESP8266-1?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:45 am
by kenn
annihil8ted wrote:After connecting, not matter what commands or baud rate I put in, I couldn't get a response from the module. I then went ahead and downloaded the flasher ...

Flashing requires two-way communication, so there's no point to try flashing if you don't have a working connection to the ESP-01.

Best advice I have is to get a factory-fresh ESP-01, and confirm the serial connection by successfully running an AT session, THEN try flashing. Once you've been able to flash, you'll find that your first ESP-01 can be reflashed. They're very hard to brick.

Re: Bricked my ESP8266-1?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:15 pm
by Kevin Liu
Thanks Kenn,

I would still try to salvage my existing ESP8266-1 though. I seem to be able to flash nodemcu software so is there anything I could flash to get a reliable communication?


Re: Bricked my ESP8266-1?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:49 pm
by kenn
Kevin Liu wrote:I would still try to salvage my existing ESP8266-1 though. I seem to be able to flash nodemcu software so is there anything I could flash to get a reliable communication?

Look in the Espressif SDK (ESP8266_SDK\bin\at), they provide copies of the AT bin files.