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Whats going on the the ssl ? Can someone finally tell?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:37 am
by rant
After developing a while with the esp, we where sure that in the near future the ssl (full real ssl) connection would be available ,so you can make real products, and not playing games.

But nothing happened, and if a company wants to really make something with this hardware, they just cant. There is no way to make something serious without full ssl . (no a broken one, or other strange arrangements)

So, i guess we will have to leave this hardware, because it seems that its still made for hobbies and there is no real development in it, expect from different shapes of boards .(07/12/etc)

I think it made lots of buzz, but it didn't grow since then, no real documentation,no ssl, still bugs.

Re: Whats going on the the ssl ? Can someone finally tell?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:25 am
by torntrousers
Looks like any moment now, see this.

Re: Whats going on the the ssl ? Can someone finally tell?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:16 am
by tomte76
I use this compiling against SDK 1.3 to make HTTPS requests to my emoncms server:


Works fine. Analysing the traffic with wireshark shows encrypted connection. And apache logs

[02/Sep/2015:17:12:32 +0200] 111.222.333.444 TLSv1.1 AES256-SHA "GET /emoncms/input/post.json?node=esp01&json={uptime:970805,temp:24.3,humid:47.6,rssi:-50,vdd:3322}&apikey=mysupersecretapokey HTTP/1.1" 2

Well, it is still TLSv1.1, but this is ok for me.