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By cnlohr
#350 In attempting to port my AVR Minecraft server over to this sucker, I found out that you really can't use the AT command set provided to do very much since you have a command echo, and it will +IPD the data in the middle of you trying to talk to the chip.

If I try the traditional ATE0 it just says something like like:
no that fun

Has anyone uncovered any way to turn off echo, or only receive when solicited? Until one or both of these is handled, it will not be possible to implement any kind of reliable, non-challenge, response transport mechanism on top of the AT command set.
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By RichardS
#352 Yeah that is a big issue! It must have a way to turn that off.....

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By JDub
#436 I've had a related question: if data arrives as a command is executing, will it be interleaved with the command's response?

Say, for instance, you send "AT+CWMODE?" and the module gets as far as replying with "+CWMODE:1\r\n" when suddenly data comes in. Will the remaining "OK\r\n" take precedence, or will the module first transmit the "+IPD" message?

I haven't actually tried to create this situation yet.

- Jw
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By cnlohr
#456 I have and it seems to have unpredictable outcomes. One of which includes the chip apparently locking up. I tried spamming it with 0's and all sorts of stuff it it no talkie. I am thinking the default firmware might actually be unworkable for most tasks.