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By zioax
#2620 Hi, today i've received the ESP8266 and I've tried to connect to my home network but it say "error" but the SSID and the password are correct. Also when I try do a wifi scan, it say "Busy now". I've tried to quit from the AP using the command "AT+CWQAP" but when i use "AT+CWJAP?" it return again my access point SSID. How can I fix it? Thanks
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By alonewolfx2
#2670 i had same problem. i change my power supply and it solved. maybe power issue.
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By zioax
#2671 I just update to last firmware(0018) and when I try to type in putty nothing appear on the screen!
EDIT: In putty pressing Ctrl+J I can send LF command, but it respond OK only with AT command and return the version with AT+GMR, with other commands respond error