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ESP-12F won't boot up and gets warm?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:18 am
by vgamesx1
I recently got an esp-12f, soldered it to an adapter board and wired it the same as an esp-12:

High- VCC / CH_PD / GPIO2
Low - GND / GPIO15
I get nothing with this configuration, I've also tried pulling GPIO0 high and low with no LED and nothing comes from the COM port, I however know that the power pins are soldered correctly because it'll draw about 20ma and if I leave it connected for a few minutes it will start to become slightly warm, so what am I doing wrong? is it dead? I've only feed it the recommended 3.3V and nothing appears to be shorted out, so I can't figure out what's wrong... ideas anyone?

Re: ESP-12F won't boot up and gets warm?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:31 am
by bluegiraffe
Is the Serial adapter 3.3v compliant?

Second, did you exchange the TX and RX connections? I've heard that there are some boards mislabeled where instead of connecting RX->TX and TX-> RX it is RX->RX and TX->TX.

Re: ESP-12F won't boot up and gets warm?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:31 pm
by vgamesx1
Yes it is, I've already used it to flash and send a few test programs to an ESP-01 which works great.

I haven't tried swapping them however I double checked and it's labeled correctly, but yeah pretty sure that isn't the issue because as I mentioned earlier, I can't even at least get the LED to flash after giving it power, so it appears as if it has a booting problem or something like that..

I figured I'd mention that I linked VCC to CH_PD via 100ohm resistor and GND to GPIO15 linked via a 1k resistor.

Re: ESP-12F won't boot up and gets warm?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:30 pm
by vgamesx1
Well I decided to finally give my board one last thorough check with a DMM and even though I saw it drawing current that one time, it appears that VCC isn't connected.. (or connected properly anyway) I can't get it to pass a continuity test no matter where I probe it, which sort of makes sense as it's one of the only real shoddy joints I made, (just my luck) I melted the contacts a bit... :(

My question now however is, can I fix it? I may have completely melted the contacts on either the adapter board or the ESP... and if it is that bad, have I basically bricked it? or is it possible to at least de-lid it and connect power directly onto it? If so where? its very hard to see the tracks.