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wifi.sta.config(ssid,pw) won't work!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:46 am
by alex_g
Hi Everybody,

Just started off with NodeMCU, and on the whole I'm very pleased, everything seems to be working fine. I know that, because I tested it using my mobile phone as a hotspot to make a small WLAN.
I ran the primer example with the switching on and off of the two LEDS, no problems.

HOWEVER... the reason I used my phone to make up a WLAN was that I could not log on to my normal wifi, despite all my efforts. In fact, for a while I thought the board might be broken, before I had the thought of using the phone as an AP.

My normal wifi setup has one of those old type 5-byte passwords, rather than a normal random string. I think this may be the problem. (Sorry about my clueless use of wifi nomenclature)

Assuming the password is "A1B2C3D4E5", I tried enetering it as above, to no effect.
I also tried converting to bytes, so that, eg. for the above example I'd have "\161\178\195\212\229", again nothing. No - actually I got back a little protest string "stdin:1: pwd:0,8~64". Not sure what that's about, I think it may have objected to the binary in the string.
In the end, out of desparation I even tried silly strings like "A1-B2-C3-D4-E5", all to no avail.

Any ideas, suggestions, illuminations most appreciated.

NodeMCU 0.9
Flash: 20150704 (Lua 5.1)
Linux terminal running "screen" as per most of the tutorials out there.