Simple "hello world" exercise issues
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:33 pm
Hey All,
Playing with programming the ESP8266 using the native SDK for the first time, and having trouble getting my application to execute
The source code is available here:
Here is the current output:
Which is missing the Initialized! from my initDone() method
Any guidance is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Playing with programming the ESP8266 using the native SDK for the first time, and having trouble getting my application to execute
Code: Select all
The source code is available here:
Here is the current output:ân..à....ì.p<.ìx.ßÇÜä.p...ònnä.Ä;ònÄÜä...b#l`.$`.üpònàÃÜ...àÇÀl......bÀ.nâãnÀÄÄ.8..ònnî.ÄÁ.l`.ü.Ü#nÀ..r....nrß;.ÄÀ.?8r..pònàÃÜ...àrÇ.â......p..p<.Äà...bÀÄ>~ònî.Äð..r...Ü#nÀ$l`.ä¸`rn|nÀ..àÇÃl`..¹~.ÄÀ...Ü#n$...ònnî.ÄÈl`..nnàÜ...àr.âÜ..ì...p..pÜ<.ÄÄìÄ.bÀľ~ònî.ÄÁ..l`....nÜ.ÄØl`.ä8`rn|nÀ.àò.`.ä8ß;.ÄÀ.?l8r..don't use rtc mem data
r..¦µ½Ò.Ñ ¡ÂÒ2é¢Ò"骺Ò.ÅJj¤..R-.¦HÈ..&KHR·ZºZX¶Z½Y²HC scandone
no Your SSID found, reconnect after 1s
f 0, scandone
no Your SSID found, reconnect after 1s
f -180, scandone
no Your SSID found, reconnect after 1s
f r0,
Which is missing the Initialized! from my initDone() method
Any guidance is greatly appreciated, thanks!