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By ohra
#7972 Just tried this library out against Mosquitto and it works great! A splendid effort! Finally something to use with the ESP without too many tears. :D
The publishing side worked fine too after a brief look at the API code.
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By Mikecay
#8539 Hi,
I currently have a good working MQTT sensor network based on the nRF24l01 but I want to move towards the ESP8266, however, I just have a couple of questions.

My USB to Serial adapter doesn’t seem to work on pins 2 and 3 but it does work on the serial port, can I connect the ESP to pin 2 and 3 and make the following changes:

SoftwareSerial espPort(2,3);
ESP esp(&espPort, &Serial, 13);

And then of course change all the debugPort reference in the skectch to Serial. Will the ESP work on software serial with the MQTT library?

Another question is the requirement for AT Command 0.2. Is this a firmware upgrade? I already have 0.902.

Thank you,
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By ohra
Adool88 wrote:Hi.
getting "RESET ESP failed" on dbg interface on startup. Can't find reason why. Can you help me?

I had the same problem, but then I ran AT+CWMODE=3 on the module. After that the MQTT program ran fine. Don't know why this was needed, though. Or why the MQTT library doesn't set that.