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WebUpdater site can’t be reached error

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:42 pm
by perigalacticon
I am trying to get the example WebUpdater.ino sketch to run for the first time, I am using a Wemos D1 mini. When it powers on I get the following output:
Code: Select allBooting Sketch...
HTTPUpdateServer ready! Open http://esp8266-webupdate.local/update in your browser

When I go to the address using Chrome the error displayed is:
Code: Select allThis site can’t be reached
esp8266-webupdate.local took too long to respond.
Search Google for esp8266 webupdate local update

I tried restarting the uC and the browser. I also tried with Edge and got a similar error. I tried turning off Windows Defender, my only antivirus. I have used ArduinoOTA sketches on this uC before successfully without turning off Defender. Can you offer any suggestions to fix this?


Re: WebUpdater site can’t be reached error

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:55 am
by jankop
You got a mDNS responder in your sketch?
Try entering the IP address instead of the server name.
Or test my demo http://esp8266.fancon.cz/esp8266-simple-ota-arduino/arduino-simple-browser-ota.html but you must specify the esp8266 IP address in your browser.

Re: WebUpdater site can’t be reached error

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:48 pm
by perigalacticon
Thanks for some reason it started working before I saw your response. I have a different problem now. I programmed an ESP01 with ArduinoOTA and it's not responding, as usual. Only this time when I reset or power cycle it it still doesn't respond when I enter the password. The output is :
Code: Select allAuthenticating...FAIL
19:42:31 [ERROR]: No Answer to our Authentication
This is extremely frustrating as I have to go physically retrieve the board everytime I want to program it and it takes forever and I can't trust the system at all so I can't put the board where I want it.

Re: WebUpdater site can’t be reached error

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:50 am
by jankop
When we see only one line of the error message, we can hardly advise. In general, ESP8266-01 often has only 512KB of flash memory, and OTA can not function.