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ESP8266WebServer not working via Huawei B315s-936

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:25 am
by Kenjutsu
Hello everyone

I open the HelloServer example (under Examples -> ESP8266WebServer) and add my SSID and password. I then upload it to my D1 mini and it connects to my home WiFi via a Huawei B315s-936 router. I see the IP address in the serial monitor. If I then copy and paste the IP into my browser, I always get "This site can't be reached"

If I then change the SSID and password to a WiFi hotspot on my phone, I get a new IP, and when I then copy and paste the IP into my browser, I get "hello from esp8266!"

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to troubleshoot the router, since it seems as if everything is fine D1 mini/code wise.

Any ideas/help will be greatly appreciated ;)

Re: ESP8266WebServer not working via Huawei B315s-936

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:43 am
by Pablo2048
Hi, try to disable AP isolation settings (sometime called Client isolation, Guest mode, ...) in your router.

Re: ESP8266WebServer not working via Huawei B315s-936

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:10 am
by Kenjutsu
Thank you for your reply. I was not able to find such a specific setting, but a quick Google for AP Isolation and Huawei B315 let me to this page Chromecast with Optus Huawei B315 wireless broadband (disable AP isolation )

I disabled WPS in the router, and now it works 8-)