jcmvbkbc wrote:projectgus wrote:I haven't found a method to halt into OCD mode at the reset vector yet, but I'll keep trying various combinations. Do you know if xt-ocd do this?
I don't: I haven't attached SRST at all, partly because I had ESP03, where RST is not broken out, partly because I couldn't find an easy way (besides fixing source and rebuilding) to configure xt-ocd to use ARM-USB-TINY-H reset line. It differs from that of the Flyswatter2, which xt-ocd does support.
I'll try to see if xt-ocd is able to do it.
I haven't enabled or worked with any ESP yet. But, if JTRST is attached to SRST internally then you can't do halt on reset.
Also, haven't worked with ARM-USB-TINY-H but there is no reason for openOCD not to have control over both reset pins. Anyway, all irrelevant if the probe links JTRST and SRST for which you could to a test:
Reset core using SRST , halt it, read DOSR or DDR or HW breakpoint register and see if they are still set, since they are in JTRST domain.
P.S. Will send code for HW BPs later....