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By kolalde
#10778 Just to be clear, I'm extremely new at this, does your work represent an entire firmware build? I think I understand you were looking for a way to create just a module (which is what I was looking for).

I looked for a module, couldn't find it, was about to bit bang something in lua for generic/simple HD44780 support , then saw your post.

Thanks for the work (even if I don't know how to use it yet).
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By alonewolfx2
#10824 for now hd744780 is hard coded and rebuilded nodemcu firmware. but i will convert to the module when i have free time. i converted pcd8544 into the module like mqtt. you can use without big ram losses.
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By Jan Marius Evang
alonewolfx2 wrote:i pushed code in to the my github account. i know its not very clean code but maybe someone clean it. i dont have much time.

This looks like a really cool project. Thanks for your efforts.
I decided to try this, and hooked up an ESP-01, but It does not work and I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting.

What I did:
- downloaded and compiled the software.
- Changed the pins to
pcd8544_settings.dcPin = 0; (gpio0?)
pcd8544_settings.sdinPin = 2; (gpio2)?
pcd8544_settings.sclkPin = 1; (rx?)(
- Transferred it to my raspberry pi and burned it with
python ../webserver/ --port /dev/ttyAMA0 write_flash 0x00000 0x00000.bin 0x10000 0x10000.bin 0x7c000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x7e000 blank.bin
(flash successful)

- Soldered connections to the display as follows:
RST - n/c
DC - gpio0
DIN - gpio2
CLK - rx
Vcc - 3V

Add Power. Tried both 3.3V from the raspberry and 2xAA battery.

Result: backlight goes on with power but nothing more happens.
Connecting with minicom gives nothing. (normally with nodemcu, this gives me the command prompt)

Any ideas?

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By alonewolfx2
#12231 Firstly 12-13-14 pins is hspi pins. I dont know can it use 0,2,1 pins as a hSPI .
Secondly did you upload and run pcd8543 example lua file in my first post?