Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By vowstar
#13264 Image

It is the 5th design of NodeMCU devkit. It uses CP2102 as UART bridge, and can flash firmware automatically by using nodemcu-flasher. It support apple's MAC OS. Based on ESP-12-E.

Not only can use NodeMCU Firmware, but also can use Micropython, Arduino and AT firmware.

Community version will push to github when it test OK.

Testing version use blue ESP-12-E, release version use black ESP-12-E.

Our Wiki.
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By iwalker
#13763 Hi There

As always great work - Already have 3 of the older versions from aliexpress.
When do You expect these to be commercially available ?
Also who are Your official distributers - Would prefer proceeds of next purchase to be going to your pockets.
