Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By alonewolfx2
suzakhu wrote:Hi, I'm interested with your application. Is there any method for using esp8266 to download file from some web and store into computer or sd card?

sdcard support not implemented yet but you can download file from web and store internal filesystem.
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By danbicks
#15849 Brilliant framework well done.

I have just started playing with it in Eclipse, amazing work.

Question, Is it possible to download a CSV type file and check the file for a given card number and associated access level?
I want to connect an RFID reader to a ESP12, the unit will download in affect a cardfile (csv) overnight or I may even use MQTT to send new cards directly to the unit and append them to a given file.

Any examples of using CSV files and looping through to find a matching row of data would be brilliant.

Keep up the amazing work.
