Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By danbicks
#15924 I know you are a super busy bee, When you get a chance please post an example :)

Another Question.

I am trying out your MQTT example, my router I think from time to time drops connection. I had it working for a day, when connecting serial monitor in fail state it try's to publish based on timer interval but nothing happens, and the serial debugging code stops spewing. So logically the processor and code seem to still be ticking.

Is there a function to see if connection has dropped in the sming lib? a callback to then re establish connection.

Cheers super man :)

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By danbicks
#15943 Hi,

I will do some more tests and see if I can get back in this error state.

When running a constant stream of serial data is being sent :

OnReadyToSendData: 3

This stopped and the timer would every timed period display:

Lets Publish message now

So seems processor was still ok and timer firing.

Thanks Dans