Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By alonewolfx2
#16624 join us. i hope we can find a solution for you.

voyager wrote:Hi Byalonewolfx2,

Nope. Although i adapted all Directories needed nothing working. I still get a lot of Errors:
(nearly everything is missing)
Function 'digitalWrite' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 11 Semantic Error
Function 'pinMode' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 17 Semantic Error
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. Basic_Blink C/C++ Problem
Method 'initializeMs' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 18 Semantic Error
Method 'start' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 18 Semantic Error
Symbol 'OUTPUT' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 17 Semantic Error
Type 'Timer' could not be resolved application.cpp /Basic_Blink/app line 6 Semantic Error

and Warnings

Invalid project path: Include path not found (/Users/blabla/Documents/workspace/Sming/Basic_Blink/\include). Basic_Blink pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/Users/blabla/Documents/workspace/Sming/Basic_Blink/Sming/). Basic_Blink pathentry Path Entry Problem

I have never seen such a declaration before. Is that correct? '/Sming/Basic_Blink/\include'
To be honest, never thought getting that much problems installing such small piece of software.

Can anyone give me Size results using lua, Arduino ESP IDE and Sming ?
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By anakod
#16642 Sorry with reply delay danbicks. Thanx alonewolfx2. You, of course, you can check connection in Timer, like in blink example.

voyager, I think it isn't real errors, just Eclipse path missing. Please look to Eclipse Console not Output Window. Also you can try to build it under Windows, I was develop it under Windows, and kireevco wasn't completed crossplatform branch yet. So Windows it garanted, Linux\Mac only in beta.
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By kenn
kenn wrote:The latest 'ESP8266 Unofficial DevKit' (Version 2.0.3, 27.04.2015) already has SDK 1.01.

Ok, when I said this earlier, I might have been mistaken. So, please straighten me out:
- the Espressif SDK version (SDK v1.0.1) in the current release of the ESP8266 Unofficial DevKit (2.03)... is it suitable for Sming or not?
- if it's not, exactly which SDK should be used? On the Espressif download page there's SDK versions v1.0.1_b2, v1.0.1, and just today (May 7) there's _v1.0.1_15_04_24. Which is the one to grab?

{update] I spent part of yesterday and today trying to sort out why a previously-running Sming app wouldn't connect. Turns out it was because I had updated my dev system to 2.03, which meant I no longer had version esp_iot_sdk_v1.0.1_b1 of the SDK. I downloaded this SDK from Espressif, replaced the SDK in my dev area with it... and boom! my project worked again.

So - note to self - always read and follow the instructions :oops: If they say sdk_v1.0.1_b1 ... that's what they mean.
