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By andrew melvin
Sweetpants wrote:As promised, my mod with capacitor. Since this change not even one random reset on two modified boards.

What are the connections of the cap, RST-GND? and you used a 100nF SMB cap. not got any of those unfortunately. I wonder if that mod, would work on the ESP-07/12?
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By Sweetpants
andrew melvin wrote:What are the connections of the cap, RST-GND? and you used a 100nF SMB cap. not got any of those unfortunately. I wonder if that mod, would work on the ESP-07/12?

Yes, 100nF SMB between RST-GND,
yes it will work for the ESP-07/12 too although they have shorter PCB wires and seem to be less sensitive
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By bowlman42
#17372 Solved all my reset problems by connecting the negative (0V) of the 3.3V supply to the ESP-01 to the earth wire of the incoming mains AC supply. Using a Chinese AC-DC 3.3V supply from Ebay. Now switching mains without a problem using a 2A solid state relay.
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By andrew melvin
bowlman42 wrote:Solved all my reset problems by connecting the negative (0V) of the 3.3V supply to the ESP-01 to the earth wire of the incoming mains AC supply. Using a Chinese AC-DC 3.3V supply from Ebay. Now switching mains without a problem using a 2A solid state relay.

This is what i have found for numerous projects, but only when using the DHT11 and one wire temp sensors... I've not tried it with the relay... but I'm about too..