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By MeNoGeek
#12408 Hey Mehmet, I noticed you implemented the pcd8544.contrast() function. Thanks for that!
I also noticed that all instructions following that function in a file get ignored. So, the following file doesn't print anything on my Nokia 5110 LCD:
Code: Select allpcd8544.contrast(62)
However, sending that block of instructions to the Lua interpreter (with Esplorer for example) works. Any idea?
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By Vleis Walker
alonewolfx2 wrote:
My question:
1. Did I flash the correct bin file (0x00000 and 0x10000) to the ESP?
2. Should 0x7c000 and 0x7e000 be from Default location?

you dont need step 2 (at least for me)
which pins you are using?

Thanks for the reply.....

Pins I used:
copy from pcd8544Test.lua
resetPin=8 --GPIO15
scePin=0 --GPIO16
dcPin=5 --GPIO14
sdinPin=6 --GPIO12
sclkPin=7 -GPIO13

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By alonewolfx2
#12418 Can you re-check connections and try new binaries and test lua files. Gpio 16 is special pin and Gpio 15 must be connected gnd with or without resistor. Maybe that pins can be problem. New binaries support 3 pin spi Soo you can use just gpio12-13-14 for pcd8544.(pcd8544 rst to esp rst via resistor, pcd8544 ce to gnd via resistor)