This latest SDK version does introduces a problem that produces linker failures when attempting to compile the IoT_Demo included as an example App with the SDK.
But here is how to fix the error when compiling/linking:
The problem is that the "Makefile" does not include the pwm library. This must have been part of a different library with prior SDK versions. The updated "Makefile" entry should be:
LIBS = c gcc hal phy pp net80211 lwip wpa pwm main json upgrade
Also, if your project is based on an earlier version of the SDK, the following function needs to be added to user_main.c just before the user_init(void) function:
void user_rf_pre_init(void)
You can look at the programming manual to decide what option to set, I selected "2"
defined as "No radio calibration after deep-sleep wake up"
With SDK 1.1.1 and the tweaks noted above, I can now connect to the ESP8266 in AP mode from my Android phone.