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By RichardS
#21502 I presume GPIO15 is weakly pulled low internally, so if there is any glitch at startup it may go into SD loader mode.

I have seen issues myself leaving it float, others have too, so it is safest to pull low.

I work closely with Espressif direct and all their schematics they send me for various projects always have GPIO15 pull low... so they **MUST** know that they are doing, right?
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By RichardS
#21503 Sorry just read about GPIO2.... yes it can float :-) but for extreme safety in a commercial product its probably best to pull high.

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By cal
admin wrote:Sorry just read about GPIO2.... yes it can float :-) but for extreme safety in a commercial product its probably best to pull high.


And I read your GPIO15 as GPIO2 and wondered why I remembered high/low pulling wrong.