- Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:33 am
Just stumbled across your project, and was pleased to quickly get it going... an excellent project Dan, and thanks very much for sharing.
I have read all the posts - including mentions of veroboard and pcbs and display stability issues - so perhaps some readers might find this cheap ESP12 breakout board version a useful option, because it comes equiped with battery box and onboard regulator.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ESP8266-WIFI-Serial-Dev-Kit-Development-Board-Test-Wireless-Board-Full-IO-Leads-/381256220109?hash=item58c4a43dcdIt's only 3 quid from ebay, and offers a self-contained portable ESP-12 with all available GPIOs brought out on pins, plus even an integrated LDR on analog0.
The board already includes a tombstone link for shorting GPIO0 to ground for flashing, so it is quite straightford to replace the link with a handier plug-on momentary push-button for starting into flash mode, in which case the GPIO0 'flashing' button could then conveniently be used in 'running' mode as user input for selecting options etc if required (need to move OLED i2c Data from GPIO0 to something like GPIO15, of course).
The OLED is simplicity itself to connect direct to the boards pins with just 4 female to female jumpers, and after flashing, it is then ready to be taken anywhere.
Having suggested the item, I think I need to offer a little test program I wrote for it, because of some tips and gotchas that are pointed out in the comments..
Code: Select all/*
ESP8266-12E Dev Kit Breakout Board Tester
Created by Electroguard on 9th Aug 2015 as a personal convenience, and offered into the public domain for anyone to use.
Purpose: Exercises LDR and all LEDs to provide visual confirmation of everything working.
Operation: Steps sequentially through all available GPIOs to light their corresponding LEDs and verify correct pinouts (see notes below)
Each pass also steps through the RGB LED primary colours (first Red, then Green, then Blue)
LDR light-level adjusts sequencing speed (darker = slower) and RGB LED brightness after each pass (darker = dimmer)
The 'Nightrider' sequencing clearly shows the appropriate LED being controlled by the addressed GPIOs, irrespective of any mis-labelling:
led1 power (blue)
led2 gpio2 (red)
led3 gpio0 (red)
led4 gpio5 (red) (incorrectly labelled)
led5 gpio4 (red) (incorrectly labelled)
led6 gpio14 (red)
led7 gpio16 (red)
RGB LED R gpio15 red
RGB LED G gpio12 green
RGB LED B gpio13 blue
Known Board Problems:
* TX and RX are wrongly labelled on the bottom 3-pin UART connector, the pin labelled RX is actually TX on the side connector, and vice-versa
* GPIOs 4 and 5 are incorrectly labelled on current boards, which seems to be due to a more widespread problem of these pins being incorrectly
tranposed on the ESP-12 modules themselves - if intending to use SPI, this causes the SPI pins to be wrong for those unaware of the problem.
Flashing Tips:
* Module restarts after flashing, so remove tombstone link once flash mode is initiated to prevent restarting into flash mode again after
flashing is complete, but also to prevent the programmed GPIO0 driven output from being shorted to ground.
Such problems could be avoided by replacing the 'Program' (GPIO0) link with a plug-on momentary button, and also a similar Reset button.
Pressing Reset while holding 'Program' button would initiate flash mode, then both could be released for the actual flashing.
* Flashed programs may fail to start if UART's USB is unplugged, due to un-powered UART RX pin affecting ESPs startup mode, but the problem
is easily solved by just disconnecting the un-powered UARTs RX connection, the flashed program should then run ok when the module is reset.
If you just wish to test flashed program for correct operation, then the program should start ok if USART is left connected to USB.
Common Sense:
* The pcb has integral 3.3v regulator.
* It would be wise to solder a 10uF smoothing cap across the supply input if using a DC mains adapter (eg: 5v or 9v) instead of batteries.
int timer = 500; // Initial sequencing delay - gets modified by LDR light level.
int ledPins[] = {
2, 0, 4, 5, 14, 16 // Array of LED indicators and their associated GPIOs
}; // Note: postions of GPIOs 4 and 5 have been reversed in the array sequence to correct pin labelling errors
int pinCount = 6; // The number of available GPIOs
int rgbPins[] = {15, 12, 13}; // The GPIOs for RGB LEDs - Red, Green, Blue
int rgbCount = 3;
int rgbPin = -1;
int brightness = 200; // Initial RGB LED brightness - gets modified by LDR light level
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication to display LDR value in serial monitor
for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < pinCount; thisPin++) { // Initialise GPIOs and turn off LEDs
pinMode(ledPins[thisPin], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisPin], HIGH);
for (rgbPin = 0; rgbPin < rgbCount; rgbPin++) {
pinMode(rgbPins[rgbPin], OUTPUT);
analogWrite(rgbPins[rgbPin], 0);
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read LDR value on analog pin 0
Serial.println(sensorValue); // Print LDR value to serial monitor
timer = map(sensorValue, 100, 400, 10, 1000); // Adjust sequencing timer according to LDR value
brightness = map(sensorValue, 50, 450, 255, 2); // Use LDR value to adjust RGB LED brightness level
for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < pinCount; thisPin++) { // Sequence up through GPIOs and their corresponding LEDs
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisPin], LOW);
sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Update LDR value during sequencing
timer = map(sensorValue, 50, 450, 10, 1000); // Use LDR value to adjust sequencing timer value
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisPin], HIGH);
analogWrite(rgbPins[rgbPin], 0); // Turn off RGB LED old colour and select next RGB colour
if (rgbPin > rgbCount-1) rgbPin = 0;
analogWrite(rgbPins[rgbPin], brightness); // Turn on RGB LEDs next colour
for (int thisPin=pinCount-2; thisPin >= 1; thisPin--) { // Sequence back down through GPIOs and their corresponding LEDs
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisPin], LOW);
sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Update LDR value during sequencing
timer = map(sensorValue, 50, 450, 10, 1000); // Use LDR value to adjust sequencing timer value
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisPin], HIGH);