My toolchain is as follows:
Ubuntu linux 32bit 12.04LTS laptop development computer.
Arduino IDE 1.6.5
igrr's esp8266/Arduino version 0.4.4
WebConfig 1.1.3 - 2015-07-20
I know there is esp8266/Arduino version 0.4.5 available, but esptool-0.4.5-linux32.tar.gz is not ready yet.
The esp8266 development boards I have are powered by batteries, so power supply ripple or voltage sag during momentary high current requirements are not likely to be an issue for me.
I can only test against the hardware I have, and for me WebConfig is rock solid after the explanation Makuna gave on how to access constant character strings stored in flash memory.
Makuna ported the PROGMEM function into the esp8266/Arduino package from the AVR Arduino library. I am fairly certain his opinion on the matter is correct.
For me, the wdt issues are gone. Lately I am spending time trying to learn HTML and CSS.
I vote the embedded controls C/C++ guys treat web developers and UI designers nice on this forum! Their artistic skills for great looking user interfaces will be welcome!
Attached is Irrigation_4
It is the same as Irrigation_3 with the addition of slider controls for pwm control of the RGB led on the yellow development board. I finally figured out how to pass variable values from the web page into the .ino code without doing a flash memory save first. This should help the flash memory last much longer when the data does not need to persist across power cycles.
Login to download Irrigation_4.