Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Tinamore
#25897 Hi
I have a problem about Pin Esp8266-12E
I flash Blinky led example in My Espressif DevKit
#define LED_GPIO 4

LOCAL void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR blink_cb(void *arg)
led_state ^=1;
But when Esp8266 run, I connect led to GPIO5 then Led blink working (GPIO4 define in code NOT working), I dont't understand why GPIO5 :x
Last edited by Tinamore on Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Tinamore
GigAHerZ wrote:Do you have the ESP-12E with "rounded" corners? They have those pin markings in a wrong way.


Thank you very much. My ESP-12E with "rounded" corners. May be fake.

Today, I had to try a lot case. Now, I know My ESP8266-12E is Fake.
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By lethe
Tinamore wrote:Today, I had to try a lot case. Now, I know My ESP8266-12E is Fake.

No, it's not a fake, just an earlier revision, see: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3163&start=25#p25645
Actually most ESP-07/12/12e modules have the GPIO4/5 labels swapped. Looks like they finally fixed that with the latest ESP-12e revision, but with so many mislabled modules out there, you should always verify by testing...