martinayotte wrote:ARDUINO is for the IDE. For Atmel MCU, there are some flags like __AVR_ATmega8__, __AVR_ATmega328P__, __AVR_ATmega32U4__, __AVR_ATmega2560__ and so on, there are about 50 flavors. There are other flags for board types, such as AVR_UNO, AVR_NANO, AVR_MEGA2560 and so on ...
Thanks for your reply.
I checked the io.h file for __AVR_AT... defines and I saw >250+ defines.
As I use sketches that run on AtMega328 AVR's (UNO, Nano or Micro) or ESP I decided do use this:
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
Serial.println(F("Now monitoring changes on Arduino INT0/D2"));
#if defined(ESP8266)
Serial.println(F("Version compiled for ESP8266. Now monitoring changes on ESP8266 GPIO2"));
Thanks for your help!