PaulRB wrote:I think (do you agree?) that we have removed the possibility of:
- faulty ESP modules, including their flash chips
- faulty breadboard/wiring/adapters
- insufficient power supply
Yes I agree. My flashed ESP runs in your setup, yours will flash in mine. I think we have ruled out all the above. You could post a photo just as a final check.
PaulRB wrote:So as you said, the culprit appears to be a compile and/or flash issue.
Serial & the flashing blue light on the ESP sugests that communication is taking place, which leads to the question:
Is the data correct and not being saved or is the data being saved but is incorrect?
I'm tending towards the incorrect data. On the theory that if data wasn't being saved, previous correct data would not have been overwriten & would still run.
PaulRB wrote:I said in an earlier post that I could try firing up my almost-never-used copy of Win7, install IDE 1.6.5 and the ESP package and test that. If that works, it then points to something in the build or install on my PCs of the IDE/ESP package on Linux.
"Win7, install IDE 1.6.5 and the ESP package" thats what I used to flash your ESP today.
The compile thing is all abit dark arts to me, is it possable for someone else to compile something and you flash the file? Is one of mine any good to you?