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By brutzler
#26604 HI,
still somehow confused about the proper folder for libs.
After installation of IDE and ESP-package, there are two library-folders.
- The folder in the Arduino IDE: C:\Arduino\libraries
- The folder in the ESP-package: C:\Users\brutzler\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\1.6.5-1044-g170995a\libraries

Comparing theese two, I see that e.g. SD-lib is placed in both???
How is this managed by the compiler?
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By schufti
#26652 enable the compiler output option under settings and you will see that automagically the correct path is choosen. This is for libraries preinstalled with the "boards".

There should be another library folder in your sketchbook folder where the user installed libraries go.