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By brutzler
#27591 Just testing two ESP-12E-modules.
Both have the same label:

I have a testprogram making GPIO9 as an output blinking a LED.
One modul is working as expected. LED is blinking at the right pin.
The other one is not working on GPIO9.

Is it possible, that there are different editions of the ESP-12E available?
I have read somewhere, that GPIO9 and GPIO10 are only working on a ESP-12D. But GPIO10 is working on both.

If not, than the conclusion would be, that the pin of the module is faulty.
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By schufti
#27602 Hi,
AFAIK from reading various posts, there are some revisions of the ESP-12(E) around.
I one post (can't find it right now) they mentioned the led being swaped between Tx/Rx
There is also difference of imprinted gpios (corrected error in newwer patch) and difference in board layout.
search for "fake esp-12"
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By martinayotte
#27934 Here are some pictures. Mainly, the differences is the GPIO4/GPIO5 been corrected in the second image.
Here is the thread that discussed the differences viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3163#p17992.
Also, the LED of the old ones is connected to TX, like the ESP7/ESP12, the newer ones have it connected to another GPIO.