- Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:41 pm
picstart1 wrote:Issue esp8266 is unresponsive after flashing any NodeMcu bin
If print(wifi.sta.getip()) is sent using coolterm in line mode there is no response
From the wiki
Flash the firmware
nodemcu_512k.bin: 0x00000
for most esp8266 modules, just pull GPIO0 down and restart.
Connect the hardware in serial
Start play
Connect to your ap
I flashed this latest bin using esp8266_flasher.exe to 0x00000 it seemed to flash OK.
The esp8266 won't respond hopefully baudrate 9600 actually means 9600 8-N-1 which is what I use but I doubt this is the issue.
I suspect there are undisclosed prerequisites "for most esp8266 modules, just pull GPIO0 down and restart" I assume this refers to flashing even though it doesn't say so.
A definitive way to say this could be "for flashing most esp8266 modules, just pull GPIO0 down during flashing, release GPIO and restart to use new bin"
Anyway none of the lua bins have worked so there must be something else needed.
BTW other bins for EX.win07c bins are working fine after flashing in the exact same way as NodeMcu is flashed.
baudrate 9600 8N1.
flash this bin just like AT firmware.
first, put chip in firmware update mode( in my module, pull GPIO0 down, and power the chip)
second, use flash tool to flash bin to 0x00000, flash tool choose baudrate 115200.
third, restart module, communicate with lua in serial 9600-8N1.
I will add more doc on this part, sorry for mis-leading.