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By esptomcat
#30042 I have a simple Sketch that fails to connect to an Access Point:


It returns f -240 but never connects .. it's a Zyxel Dual-Band Access Point. Using a different AP helps but is not a solution in this case. Where are the different error codes documented?

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By ultraschall81
#30872 Hi,

I have similar problems:

At home I have a Fritzbox AP and a daycom wlan repeater.
If I use "ESP8266wifi wifi" and wifi.begin, the esp is able to connect to both devices.

If I use "ESP8266wifiMulti wifi" and "wfi.addAP(SSID, PWD)" for both the devices and make a ""
I is able to connect to the Fritzbox but not to the daycom repeater (configured as a AP or a router).

With Serial.setDebugOutput(true); I see a loop in the Serial trace:

add 0
aid 2
rm match
add ß
aid 2

Does anybody know why the esp is not connecting to all wlan devices, when it is in wifi-multi-mode?

Thanks and regards
