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By jonsmirl
#307 Look at the IOT example source code and see what JSON requests it supports. If you craft an appropriate JSON request it should respond. If we really can get it to page in memory out of flash, should be nothing stopping you from using a 2MB flash and sticking web pages into it. Flash should be fast enough for serving web pages.

I've seen tiny devices like this before. They rely the human readable web pages loading from somewhere else. Then those human readable pages include Javascript that sends JSON request out to the tiny devices. The Javascript then processes the JSON response and turns it into something human readable. You can write a page like that on your local machine and just use File/Open to run it. It does not have to live on a web server.
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By Squonk
#313 Yes, the best document for understanding what to expect from the demo are the sources themselves.

The demo is meant to run along with a cloud service (no thanks!), but also be addressable through SoftAP using smartphone apps for setting up and control, but not to be accessed directly using a plain web browser.
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By Squonk
#318 There is an UDP discovery service on port 1025: if you send "Are you Espressif IOT Smart Device?", you get "I'm Plug.", "I'm Light." or "I'm Humiture.".

See "user_devicefind.c"