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By Wade Brown
#30140 I had a computer crash bought a new laptop it came with Win 10, for the most part a great upgrade from 8.

Anyway, when I plug the NodeMCU in with a USB cable the device is not found, nothing driverwise is installed, but WIN10 does not come up with an errors. I used the Arduino IDE to program the NodeMCU under Win8 and all worked great.

Anyone out there have a solution to using NodeMcu on Win10.

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By Wade Brown
#30898 Well Dah! I had to find and download the drivers for the USB to Serial chip that the NodeMCU uses, the CH340G. Once the driver was installed all was good. I guess I got lazy as Win8 installed the drivers automatically.

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By KevinA
#33496 My version of Windows 10 installed the drivers for the CH340 from the internet without a problem. I had Windows 7 Ultimate before my free "upgate" replaced it.