Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By fernando306
#33951 Hi There, how are you?

I am trying to be able to code / compile for the ESP8266, but I am struggling with the compiler.
I followed these steps and I successfully installed and built the SDK and toolchain for it:

Then I downloaded a very simply blinky example and tried to compile. Please check the attached screenshot. I set all the directories correctly and it spits out the intermediate files .out, .a and .o just fine, I can find these in the "build" directory. However, seems that it does not generate the .bin files, because the "firmware" directory remains empty.

Any ideas?

Thank you!
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By fernando306
#34017 Yes, you're right!, thank you!! All I had to do is add the esptool and xtensa bin to the PATH. Now I am able to compile and flash the blinky example. So toolchain is good and the hardware is good - result. :)

Next step I took was to download the esp-link 1.04 source code and try to compile that. However I get funny code specific erros, please check the attached screenshot. How can I fix this?

Edit: I know I need the SDK 1.3 to compile the esp-link project. If somebody could kindly guide me through the steps to get the compiler + SDK 1.3, I'd sincerely appreciate a lot.
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By fernando306
#34272 Good news!

I did a clean install using the SDK 1.4 and tried to compile the 2.0 rc1 version of esp-link. It still didn't work. So I tried make --debug to see what the heck could possibly be wrong. It was asking for java, otherwise it would fail to create the espfs image. I installed Java and it compiled just fine. :)