> cfg={}
> cfg.ssid="TestWifi"
> cfg.pwd="password"
> wifi.ap.config(cfg)
set mode=SOFTAP (mode=2)
MAC: 18-FE-34-9D-40-52
ChipID: 10305618
Heap: 17624
Connect to SSID: "TestWifi"
Pasword: "password"
NodeMcu 0.9.2 build 20141124 powered by Lua 5.1.4
Here above I used a table to store the SSID and PWD first as in the example in the API. Also documented is possibly a way of doing this without using a table but by configuring with one line as you would in STATION MODE, but, whatever syntax I used this wouldn't work. Am I missing something? Can this be done with one line or must one always define and use a table?