Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By sumotoy
#35379 danbiks,
some days, it's ready but I'm still testing the damn PROGMEM that causes heap in ESP8266, I want be sure that doesn't downgrade the current state.

In the maintime an user found a problem
But strangely I cannot replicate, it works for me and for many others, maybe an old version of ESP8266 arduino?
If someone has the same problem please I would like to know and discover what's break the library, in that case there's an option in settings that force legacy mode and solve temporary the problem.
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By sumotoy
#35380 I've just tested together the other library I've posted earlier for mcp23s17. I was able to drive 80 output (but can be more) thanks the HAEN feature of mcp23s17 and thanks the support of SPI transactions in the rc2 the two devices works together with WiFi server in the same sketch.
Pretty amazing for a tiny chip like this!
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By chage
#35416 I am trying the code on ESP8266 12E on nodemcu board.
I am able to run sample codes, but they always end up with some distorted display or white screen. Sometimes it happen right away, sometimes after a minute, sometimes after an hour.

Is there any known issue regarding this?

btw, my TFT module will only work without any shifting when i use 144 RED PCB and modify the offset from 32 to 0.