Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Tucson Tom
dkinzer wrote:You might try invoking os_install_putc1() with a pointer to a do-nothing function early in your app. Doing so may suppress the OS messages.

But I'll bet it would get rid of my console messages also. I found two things that get rid of all the chatter about A3_180 and so forth. One is to plug in my wireless router -- even if it can't authenticate, it seems happy that it has something to try to talk to. But the real thing to do is this call:


This just turns off the wifi subsystem entirely, and seems to be just the thing for projects (or experiments) that don't need Wifi. You might say, "why use this chip if you are gonna turn off the wifi?", to which I would answer that for $5 it makes a heck of a little controller for many projects without the wifi.
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By Tucson Tom
#37651 Well, I have been coding and compiling away happily for over a week and am off to the races. I am running on a 64 bit x86 computer running Fedora linux, so I have my usual arsenal of vim and make and so forth. I installed the open-sdk from this link:


I edited the makefile to select the 1.5.0 SDK and the option STANDALONE=n and then just ran make. A nice setup. The biggest part was cobbling together my own Makefile. I have lots of notes on this and my subsequent fooling around here:


Which is a link to my own website. I keep adding things here as I get acquainted.